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Monday, May 28, 2018

Art based on the work of Henri Matisse

Worm Farming

As part of our Enviro School programme, a group of children from across the school are on the team that is learning how to 'farm the worms!'  Here is a little presentation that Danica and Kate presented at a Whanau Assembly to show us what they are doing.

New Concept for Term 2 - Land


Enduring Understandings

The Earth has natural features 
and finite resources.

The Holy Spirit guides and challenges us to make positive changes.

Essential Questions

How are earth’s features changed 
and resources affected by natural events and human actions?

What is our role as kaitiaki of the land?

Friday, March 23, 2018

Room 22 - 2018 Class Portraits

Mrs Smith taught us to look really closely at our faces so we could draw a great observational drawing of ourselves.  We had practised drawing an eye first which really helped us when drawing our eyes for this artwork.  The background is just coloured tissue paper which we glued on.  Most of us found that that was the hardest part of the whole process because it was really tricky to get the paper in the right place and to get it flat once your hand had become sticky.  But we persevered and we are really proud of the results.

Keeping Ourselves Safe (KOS)

We have started the programme and we began with learning about being confident in ourselves, how to make safe decisions and how to express our feelings in safe ways.  Our recent lessons have focused on knowing what could be a safe or unsafe situation and using the STAR technique when faced with unsafe situations.  It has been interesting to see that it is not always that clear-cut as to whether a situation is safe or unsafe.  We have had some really good discussions where we have shared great ideas and thinking about our learning. 

Saturday, March 3, 2018

Affirmations and Aspirations

Our fabulous parents contributed their Affirmations and Aspirations when waiting for their triadic interviews. 

Hauora - Life Ed

As part of our learning programme this term, we are attending lessons with Nadine in the Life Ed caravan.  Our first session was about identifying different types of feelings and the reaction our bodies may have to these feeling - stress.  We were really good at thinking up ways that we can deal with stress. 

Lenten Promises

As part of our Lenten journey, we are focusing on the virtues we think we need to develop further.  We have created these little artworks to record our promises.

Comic Faces

After a few glitches, we have finally finished our comic faces.  

Saturday, February 17, 2018

Rimu Whanau Leader Speeches

Rimu whanau gathered together on Friday afternoon to listen to the ten children applying for the positions of Rimu Whanau Leaders and Deputy Leaders.  Each applicant presented a speech to explain why they would make a good leader.  In addition to this, they all have completed and submitted a job application. 

Well done everyone, we enjoyed your speeches.

Monday, February 12, 2018


Once a week we get to do what we call enrichment.  We have boxes, blocks, lego, playdough, beads, to name a few things, to use and play with.  We are learning to problem solve, work with our peers, self-manage and be creative.  

Welcome Back to Room 22 - 2018

We have had a great start to the year and we are looking forward to lots of learning about Hauora.

Our essential understandings for this concept are:
''Hauora comes from making the right choices
'By following Jesus' example we can develop our spiritual well-being'

We have already had our immersion activity and we are looking forward to our time with Life Education.  It is always so much fun to learn about being healthy in the Life Ed bus.  Later on in the term, we will be completing the Keeping Ourselves Safe programme with Constable Ian.

Friday, March 31, 2017

Toku Pepeha

These are the first of our found poems based on the journal story Toku Pepeha.  One side has the poem situated within some of the text taken from the story.  We then decorated with some Maori designs.  On the other side we have placed the poem on a background.  To create this we have imported an image of a marae, overlaying it with the poem text.  We have put our photo on it as well. We had to take our photo of ourselves against a green screen, import the photo into Pages and use the instant alpha function to remove the background.  Once that was done, we could place our photo in the foreground of the marae image.  4 down, 22 to go!

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Camp Speeches

Today, several of us presented our camp speeches to the class.  We had a great range of topics to listen to including whales, families, Dunedin to name a few.  As the audience, we were thoroughly informed and entertained.  Poor Mrs H, what a job to select the speeches that will go forward to be presented at camp.