
Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Beach Education 2010

Every year the Year 6 students from St Francis Xavier go to Ruakaka to learn how to be safe at the beach. Not only did we learn how to be safe but we also learned what lifeguards do. Did you know that no-one has drowned in New Zealand when swimming between the lifeguards flags? That has to be the most important thing we learned - SWIM BETWEEN THE FLAGS. They also told us how to be sun smart, what to do if you get caught in a rip and where to buy the best ice creams!
After morning tea we played some beach games. That sorted us out. You had to be pretty fit to play Beach Flags. Anya from R17 won the girls challenge and Ezra from R19 was first in the boys. Anya then had to challenge Ezra to find out who would compete against the teachers and parents. What was really amazing was that Anya just kept on winning. She is a really fit person, that is for sure.

After lunch we had a swim using the boogie boards as well as taking part in some rescue drills. Luckily, the water was warm and we were able to have a good long swim. All in all, it was a fun and fabulous day.

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