
Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Abraham and Sarah

We have been learning about God and how he will stick by us even if we don't always do the same. Abraham and Sarah were two people who were always faithful to God. Holly and Stefani have made a newscast about their journey. You will notice that they have changed a few things but essentially the story is the same as in the Bible. After learning about Abraham and Sarah, they decided to write a news item to tell people the story. After a lot of writing, and practicing they were ready to 'broadcast'. We made this movie by filming Holly and Stefani with a green screen and then used a feature in iMovie that allows an image to replace the green screen. We hope you enjoy the movie and learn about Abraham and Sarah at the same time.


  1. Love it. Great work holly and stef and mrs H!! Even though we had to do it a couple of times it turned out really great!!

  2. much better than the tv news!!

  3. Well done Stef and Holly.
    You are champions spreading about the word of God and his people.It's soo awesome Mrs.Hepi how you did the backgrounds, thumbs up to you to.
    Seeya from tayla (stef and hollys friend)

  4. Stef I think we are great!!
