
Thursday, May 19, 2011

Floating Carrots!

Nicole asked the class to guess why the carrot in one glass of water floated and the carrot in another glass of water didn't. Eventually we guessed that she had put salt into the 'floating carrot' glass. We discussed what we thought was happening and decided that salt water had more buoyancy. We knew that the Dead Sea ,which is really salty, is really easy to float in so we thought having the salt in the water made it easier for the carrot to float. But as we were not sure we looked on the internet to check out the science knowledge and this is what we found on - Salt water is denser than ordinary tap water, the denser the liquid the easier it is for an object to float in it.

1 comment:

  1. i enjoyed doing that. I actually tried it at home first with eggs but the eggs were too heavy.
    I really learned that from a book.
