
Thursday, May 19, 2011

Static Electricity

My experiment was to use static electricity make a folded piece of tinfoil separate using positive and negative forces. I had some problems getting the experiment to work but I did have some ideas to solve these problems. The first problem was the lid that held the wire (which the tinfoil was attached to). It was metal and it seemed to absorb the power that was meant separate the tinfoil. So I made a paper lid but this one wouldn't support the wire. Finally, I made a lid from cardboard and this appeared to have solved the problem.
The next problem was I couldn't create enough static electricity. Everything available material in our classroom was manmade and didn't work as well as wool would have.
Another problem seemed to be that the wire I used was really thick and it probably caused the same problem as the lid.
Although my experiment didn't work, Mrs Hepi said I was thinking like a scientist because I had to think of solutions to all these problems. I am going to try again making some changes. These changes will be to bring something woolly and to replace the wire with fuse or light craft wire. Watch this space!

By Leonardo

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