
Friday, May 27, 2011

Paper Making

Emily showed us how to change waste paper into 'new' paper. First she made a pulp (she had one prepared as this takes time if you want a good result) out of scrap paper and water. Then she poured the pulp into a tray and gave it a good stir. Next she used a special tray to collect the pulp which she covered with gauze. After taking it off the tray she sponged the new paper to remove the excess water. The last step was to remove the gauze, wrap the paper in a towel and leave it to dry.

So what’s happening?

As you know, new paper is made from trees. Trees and all plants are mainly made up of cellulose fibre which is great for making paper. So when using recycled paper mixing it with water to make a pulp means you are extracting the cellulose fibre.

This is a great site that tells you about the history of paper and how to make it.

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