
Friday, May 27, 2011

Rubber Eggs

We are watching our eggs very closely. One is in malt vinegar and the other white. We put them in on the 24th May and already lots of changes have occurred. We have predicted that malt vinegar will work better than the white to create a rubber egg. As we are leaving them in the vinegar for a couple of weeks most of the class have predicted that the yolk and white of both eggs will be hard when we test out their bounciness.
We will let you know what happens later on.
These photos were taken about two after the eggs were placed in the vinegar. As you can see there are loads of bubbles which we think could be the acid in the vinegar breaking down the shells which we know is made of calcium. The malt vinegar has also changed the colour of the shell. We will keep posting any new developments as we keep observing the changes. When we first put the eggs in the vinegar they sunk to the bottom but now they are floating and there is lots of scummy stuff in the vinegar.

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