
Sunday, July 31, 2011

Egg Update

What happened: On going observation

25/05/11 (8.45) Day 21: So far the surrounding bubbles are rising slowly to the top. Jacob

For the first few weeks there were lots of bubbles in the vinegar which we think were caused by a reaction between the vinegars and the calcium in the egg shells. A lot of scum rose to the surface of both jars but it was easier to see it in the brown vinegar. The egg in the brown vinegar also appeared to be absorbing the vinegar as it turned brown. By the end of the term both eggs had no shell left.

In Week 11(in between the rain) we took the eggs outside to test out our predictions. Both eggs:

-felt really rubbery

-neither bounced (they were not originally hard boiled). The type of vinegar did not make a difference to the ‘break-a-bility of the eggs.

-the yolks were still soft and a normal colour

-the eggs were not rotten - as vinegar is used to preserve other foods we think that these eggs were also preserve. We thought that they could still be used in baking but would have a strong vinegar flavour.

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