
Monday, August 1, 2011

Foaming Monster

Emma made the monster at home before starting this experiment. First Emma half filled the bottle with the

vinegar and then she added a squirt of dishwashing liquid and food colouring. She then had to swirl the bottle gently to mix the ingredients together. Next Emma added the soda which was wrapped in tissue paper to the bottle. After a couple of minutes the monster was foaming at the mouth.

So what’s happening?

When you mix vinegar and bicarbonate of soda, it makes a gas called carbon dioxide. This forms bubbles in the vinegar. The bubbles of gas react with the dishwashing liquid to make foam. The whole combination reacts so much that the foam pours out of the monster’s mouth.


  1. That looks really interesting. I wish I had been there for that!

  2. Hey Emma Missing u Being Silly
    Bye My Cheasey

  3. That was a relly cool foaming monster!
    Thanks Emma!
